Kushlayatan is all about making a man stand on his foot; without enlightenment, it is next to impossible. We emphasize creating a place with tranquillity so that people can focus on themselves rather than any distractions. A mansion is placed inside the whole structure of Kushlayatan that is truly dedicated to the course of study. Anyone can make their way into this Pustakalay and can read, learn and also perform meditation. It is because people need concentration and have to sit for long hours to analyze any content truly and extensively. Hence, Kushlayatan creates a serious and strict code of conduct or behavior that every person needs to follow. It is necessary as only the aura can become suitable for the motive we need to serve from this place.
Code of conduct:
To know one step ahead about this Pustakalay of Kushlayatan, run your eyes on the prime highlights of its specification.
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